The RVS Group (german: AG RVS - Arbeitsgruppe Rechnernetze und Verteilte Systeme) was established on January 1, 1995 at the University of Bielefeld by Peter Bernard Ladkin Ph.D. FIET. The RVS Group's specialities lie in:

Peter Bernard Ladkin is the developer of the formal and semi-formal failure and accident method Why-Because-Analysis (WBA), which is in commercial use for analysing public-transportation accidents, and Ontological Hazard Analysis (OHA), for the hazard analysis and safety-requirements derivation for safety-critical and safety-related systems. The RVS group's research centers on such system-safety analysis methods. Peter Bernard Ladkin also participates in various electrotechnical standardisation activities concerning safety and cybersecurity.

The RVS group designed, installed and runs a computer-networking laboratory with its own local network for teaching at the University of Bielefeld.

We have cooperative programs with partner universities in Indonesia in Sustainable Protocols (see Research:Sustainable Protocols and have graduated a number of PhD's in this area)

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