Martyn Thomas CBE CEng. BSc FBCS FIET Hon DSc FRSA is an independent consultant software engineer. He specialises in computing policy and innovation (particularly in safety-critical and other high integrity applications), and in the engineering processes that underpin software development. He also acts as an expert witness where complex software engineering issues are involved.

He is a visiting professor at the University of Oxford, University of Bristol and the University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

In 1983 he founded Praxis, a software engineering company, to exploit modern software development methods. Praxis became internationally recognised as a leader in the use of rigorous software engineering, including mathematically formal methods. In December 1992, Praxis was sold to Deloitte and Touche, an international firm of accountants and management consultants, and Martyn became a Deloitte & Touche partner, with world-wide responsibilities for software engineering. He left Deloitte Consulting in 1998.

Martyn Thomas serves on the IT policy-making bodies of both UK professional computing institutions, the British Computer Society (BCS) and the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE). He chairs the steering committee for the U.K.'s major research collaboration in dependability, and he is a member of the Scientific Council for a European Network of Excellence in resilient systems.

He is director of Martyn Thomas Associates Limited.